Thursday, January 16, 2025

My friend Barbara Findley has passed away

Today, Frank told me that my friend Barbara Findley has passed away.

Years ago, I remember working in the King Manor, fourth floor commons room on a poster for the King Manor residents’ Club.  Barbara and Annie were supervising my work; when I said something like, “”Look at this.  There are two supervisors and one worker.”  Barbara replied to me, “That’s government work for you.”

Abandoned food

I found this still life art (garbage) on the east side of North Second Avenue East, between East First Street and East Second Street.

Both of the two King Manor elevators are out of order, the next day.

Now only one elevator is out of service.  According to my friend Frank, the elevator repair technicians were in King Manor until midnight attempting to get one of the elevators working again.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Both of the two King Manor elevators are out of order.

I found this notice on the first floor, where the HRA offices are.  That is why this wall has wood paneling.

I found this notice on the ground floor.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

This is a January snowstorm in Duluth, Minnesota!

“After a snowstorm is the best time to be in the woods, because all the empty beer and soda cans and candy wrappers disappear, and you don't have to try as hard to be in another time. Plus there's just something beautiful about walking on snow that nobody else has walked on.”

- Carol Rifka Brunt