Saturday, March 26, 2022

Why is there a one cent price difference in these Dole ® peaches?

Why did Super One sell me one box of Dole ® peaches for a $1.50 special and another box of the exact same peaches for $1.49 reduced?  I bought these peaches at the same store, at the same day and time.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

I’m reading “Post-Nuke Comic. Post Apocalypse Online Graphic Novel”


Post-Nuke Comic surprised me with how entertaining this is.  This web comic has better characters, storylines, and world building than many apocalypse television series that I’ve seen.  If you enjoy reading Post-Nuke Comic, please give it a like at “Top Web Comics”.

The link to the site is below:

Thursday, March 3, 2022

I saw “The Batman 2022”

Without any DCEU connections, this movie depicts Batman's detective side, making the story closer to the early comics than Justice League.  I loved this side of Batman and give The Batman 9.5 out of ten.