Thursday, December 5, 2019

Question: What are your biggest personality quarks?

I am a perfectionist and overachiever.  Because of that, my love for academic research sometimes rivals that of Twilight Sparkle.  Herein is an example that resulted in a happy outcome while I was writing Vast Brewing Company a D&D supplement for Polyhedron Magazine.  I spent two days reading a lengthy book on brewing in the medieval period.  I then wrote one paragraph on using specialty brewed beer as tonic medicine.  However, I had never seen beer healing tonic in any prior D&D adventure or supplement.  Thus, it was a wise investment of my time to add this little-known trivia to archived, D&D campaign ideas.

To overcome my weakness on spending too much of my time researching any one project, I currently ask my editors what my desired world count is before I write my manuscript.  I then write that amount of words, plus ten percent more.  I then send my completed manuscript to my editors for their evaluation.  These extra words give my editors some leeway to craft the final form of my manuscript, while giving them a sufficient number of words for their publication.

A thought for your consideration:  “Stay strong, as the future is bright.”

Note:  A friend of mine told me that I sometimes have “research euphoria”, when my research into a topic gives me an emotional high.

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