Friday, August 2, 2024

Building Role-Playing Campaigns 2

Remember this game masters:  Your campaigns are shared, storytelling experiences equally created by you and your players.  Also, have you noticed that this thirty-year-old advice is now included with most role-playing game rules?

And, I wish all the best to those fortunate people who are able to attend Gen Con 2024!

I also noticed this milestone in Gen Con history:  For the first time in history, all badges have been sold and no walk-up badge sales are available. “We are beyond thrilled to be hosting Gen Con 2024, a monumental celebration of gaming history, with a special focus on Dungeons & Dragons, a cornerstone of our industry,” said David Hoppe, president of Gen Con.  In the future, Gen Con should find a bigger convention arena if they want to keep growing their numbers of attendees, while not turning away anyone who wants to attend this convention.

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