Saturday, March 22, 2025

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 11

11. This module’s dramatic climax battle happens when the Shrine of Evil Chaos is conquered and thus unable to be used to offer blood and souls sacrifices to an evil immortal.  In this location, there is a tiny crack in the fabric of reality that connects the Material Plane to the Lower Planes.  That crack is an ideal location for the Chaos sacrificial altar to give blood and souls to an evil immortal.

If these Chaos sacrificial altars could be located anywhere; then why not build one under the Keep?  Documenting the main reason why the Chaos sacrificial altars are located here - could give Lawful people an edge on finding and then destroying other Chaos sacrificial altars.

Closing that crack will be a great benefit to Lawful people who live or travel within that river valley.  The long-term impacts on Chaos, if Lawful people destroy many Chaos sacrificial altars, are up to each individual DM to decide.

First, this destruction of a Chaos Shrine will attract the attention of both Chaos and Lawful immortals.  Second, this will lead the player character to seek out and then destroy more Chaos Shrines.  Will this one event start a war where Chaos and Law attack each other’s shrines and temples?

Friday, March 21, 2025

My idea for a graphic novel based on an online role-playing game

Background:  I would love to design and then play within full sensory dive virtual reality worlds similar to the fictional for now, Matrix movies.  Imagine playing in the Dungeons and Dragons world of Dragonlance / world of Krynn where the simulation allows you to visit the Inn of the Last Home, where you drink fine ale and eat spiced potatoes.

The one problem that I have with stories such as Only Sense Online or Sword Art Online is that each game company has only one game.  Real game companies publish several types of games.  Thus, my novel would describe a family friendly world similar to Friendship is Magic and a world for mature audiences similar to Game of Thrones, published by the same company.  All these gamers signed contracts that describe what experiences they are promised to have, as well as penalties for the game company for breaking their contracts.  These games last for one year at a time; due to the expense of hooking up a human brain to the VR world.

You ask me, where is the conflict?  An angry employee wishing to damage the VR game company sends gamers of the family friendly world to the mature world; while sending the mature world players to the family friendly world.  These two separated groups of gamers are able to send text and video messages to each other, while they deal with VR worlds that they are unprepared to live in.

I acknowledge that my idea is a slight difference to already successful stories.  But, my story would be fun to read about.

Image text:  Imagine a story about one, online virtual reality game company that makes two completely different worlds.  One world is a family friendly world, filled with cute PC - NPC characters, slice of life adventures, following the comedy genre.

The other world is a mature world, where injury and death is commonplace.  It is designed for the players to live in an amoral, dystopian, and violent world of the speculative fiction genre.  It is up to the players to decide if they want to reform this amoral society, or to indulge in this world’s ingrained antisocial behavior.

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 10

10.  Create a table of special events for the Keep and another for the Caves of Chaos.  Special events include funerals, local secular and religious holidays, the arrival of resupply wagons, the arrival of traveling merchants, and weddings.  Two NPCs, an NPC and PC, or 2 PCs can get married.  Such an event would be a great role-playing event.  For example, the Castellan could marry a NPC or a PC creating a big role-playing event for the Keep.

For inspiration for holidays, review the “National Day Calendar” web site:

Note:  The Keep chapel is a “Union Station” of worship, where all Lawful gods are worshiped without favoritism.

Note:  A Giant Ant Queen decides to create an ant colony under the Keep; while another Giant Ant Queen decides to create her ant colony under the Caves of Chaos.  The more these ants eat NPCs, the more numerous the ants become.  The more numerous the ants become, the more they eat the NPCs.  Imagine the leaders of the Keep and the leaders of the Caves of Chaos cooperating to destroy the ant colonies that threaten the population of this river valley.

Spring Cleaning Checklist

This checklist is a useful to do and done list for cleaning my home or your home.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Spring cleaning presentation

Join Lilly and Madysen at the North Pointe Resource Center for a presentation about spring cleaning.  We will be going over tips and tricks, and the importance of spring cleaning.  There will be snacks and refreshments during this presentation.

My Snack N Waffles is made with Chicken Sausage and Cheese

I know this because it is written on the wrapper.

This is the waffle that seems small for an adult appetite.

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 9

9. If you are a DM, please remind your player characters that there are a set number of days or weeks to finish an individual task.  Failure to meet that deadline results in dire and/or deadly problems for the inhabitants of the Keep as well as the travelers on the road and river.  The overarching goal of the module is to take down the Shrine of Evil Chaos, before it becomes a serious threat to the safety of the inhabitants of the Keep.

Keeping the Keep in Lawful control will cost much less in lives and resources, than attempting to retake the Keep from the control of Chaos soldiers.  If Chaos takes over the Keep, the entire river valley would be at risk of being taken over by Chaos.  Imagine the river valley being similar to the Columbia River starting from the headwaters in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia, Canada, to the Pacific Ocean.

For a DM, starting characters should be assigned “Low stakes” assignments.  Low Stakes refers to a situation, activity, or assessment where the potential consequences or risks of failure or poor performance are relatively minor or insignificant.  As characters rise in rank, skills, and income raise their assignment stakes.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

April events at the First Presbyterian Church of Duluth

I hope that my readers can attend these events.

My very tasty meal at the First Presbyterian Church of Duluth

This is my main course.

This is my dessert.

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 8

8. Add sources of safe drinking water and latrines.  This gives player characters opportunities to capture inhabitants of the Caves of Chaos.  Once captured, players can question the inhabitants and/or bring these people to the Keep to be questioned by the Keep officers.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 7

7.  If you have Chaos spies in the Keep, then have Lawful spies in the Caves of Chaos.  It is up to the game master to determine if these Lawful spies trust the player characters with their lives or not.

Monday, March 17, 2025

This is my bread made with Risata Blueberry Semi Sweet Wine

This tasty Blueberry Wine bread is popular with my friends at the North Pointe Resource Center / Rainbow Center.

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 6

6.  Any mining for mundane or magical metals should be located in the nearby Cave of the Unknown.  This mine should include ore-moving devices, such as mining carts on railroad tracks, rock crushers, a metallurgical furnace used for smelting, valuable metal ingots in a room with a locked door, and a slag heap.

I wish all my readers a happy Saint Patrick's Day.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

My very good meal at the First Presbyterian Church of Duluth

I find this well-designed placemat art and message.

I also find this well-designed placemat art and message.

This is my tasty lunch at the First Presbyterian Church of Duluth.

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 5

5.  From the map, we see that in some places the river is as wide as the Keep.  Thus, I see that the wide river would be used for transportation for people and freight.  Between the river and the Keep, create a boat and barge basin, cargo teamsters, and a passenger carriage for important people visiting the Keep.  Also, describe an enclosed, riverboat construction warehouse and a slipway, boat ramp.  For some money, a family of boat builders will be happy to build the player characters a riverboat to use as a mobile bastion.

In addition, have a boat owned by the national postal service.  The riverboat has a crew of postal employees that are responsible for both letters and packages to be delivered to and from the Keep.  When the boat is tied to a pier, windows in the hull allow the riverboat to become a mobile post office.

The player characters need to be able to send and receive letters and packages from their families, mentors, and/or leaders of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) such as a temple or a community service organization such as the Harpers of the Forgotten Realms.

In addition, the player characters’ mentors, nobles, and NGO leaders could write the player characters letters of Recommendation to the Castellan of the Keep.  Such correspondence will give the PCs more credibility in the mind of the Castellan.

Imagine adding a road that follows the path of the river.  This road is for the transport of passengers and freight, and doubles as a towpath allowing wagons or pulling beasts such as mules to pull barges and riverboats.  The player characters can get part-time jobs in a road maintenance crew.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 4

4. Each faction within the Caves of Chaos would also have gardens or farms providing them with food.  Without gardens and farms to provide them with food, players that capture wagons or boats filled with food and other supplies intended for the Caves of Chaos would weaken the ability of the Chaos soldiers to fight the player characters.

Near the Caves of Chaos, plants and the food and drugs such as marijuana grown by the plants are poisoned by the evil energy of Chaos.  This Chaos poisoned food and drugs is so addicting that this food and drugs draws the inhabitants here and then their addictions keep them here.  Without these Chaos poisoned food and drugs, there is no convincing reason for the majority of the cave’s inhabitants to remain in the caves.  For all I know, Chaos has no national dental plan for their Chaos soldiers.  Therefore, the Chaos soldiers will leave these caves to seek better lives for themselves and their families elsewhere.

We read that the poison of Chaos unnaturally twists or kills any plants growing in the deep ravine.  This is one way to turn this background information into something that has an important impact on game play.

Friday, March 14, 2025


I found this abandoned toothbrush in the DTA bus shelter at East Superior Street and North Thirteenth Avenue East.

Workers are making progress building Lakeview at 333 East Superior Street.

I love to see the building exterior façade starting to be bolted onto the Lakeview.

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 3

3. Create planted fields, farm buildings, and farmers around the Keep.  One extended family of five adults and seven adolescent children is sufficient to grow all the food needed by the Keep.  The inhabitants of the Keep would need a food source.  This food would be easy to grow and Keep without refrigeration, such as rice, pickles, and freshwater fish caught by a professional fisherman and a fisherwoman from the nearby river.  They could hire the player characters for a few days of work.

Otherwise, all the food eaten or beverages drank by the inhabitants of the isolated Keep, as well as their draft animals, would need to be brought in by wagon, or by riverboat.  Such vulnerable supply chains would put the safety of the Keep in danger, by Chaos soldiers that siege the Keep.

Note:  There would be a grass and hay fields for gazing draft animals.  There is also a barn for keeping the draft animals safe at night.  Space in the barn would be provided for wagons and stagecoaches.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Pastoret Terrace, another view from First Street

I’m surprised that part of the outside wall of the Pastoret Terrace is still standing.

Drink Nutcase

This is the first time I became aware of Drink Nutcase.

This is the first time I have seen in person a Tesla Cybertruck.

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 2

2.  More encounters for role-playing.  For example, Abraham Lincoln once said, “Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”

In the original German folklore, “A kobold is a general or generic name for the household spirit (hausgeist) in German folklore. It may invisibly make noises (i.e., be a poltergeist), or helpfully perform kitchen chores or stable work. But it can be a prankster as well. It may expect a bribe or offering of milk, etc. for its efforts or good behavior. When mistreated (cf. fig. right), its reprisal can be utterly cruel.”

My kobolds have good behavior when treated well, or have bad behavior when mistreated.  Because, if kobolds are always evil no matter how they are treated; they become targets for experience point farming.  This in turn quickly makes encounters with kobolds repetitive and boring.

Kobolds are related to dragons and therefore have a large amount of respect for dragons and those related to dragons, such as my player character dragonborn.

In my campaign, my party’s persuasive bard asked the Kobold Chieftain if following the creed of Chaos was working out for himself and his tribe.  After talking for a few minutes, this Chieftain admitted that his followers, most of them blood relatives, are abused, robbed, or murdered and sometimes sacrificed on the altar located in the Chapel of Evil Chaos by the more bloodthirsty species of the Caves of Chaos.

My bard was able to persuade the Kobold Chieftain that he and his tribal members would live better lives, by taking up the creed of Law.  That his people would be eat healthier food, wear better clothing, live in better homes, and be safer from harm, while creating much needed farms around the Keep; then to continue to follow the creed of Chaos, being robbed and murdered for their misplaced allegiance.  As our group’s Dungeon Master, I found the bard’s player talk was persuasive; the bard didn’t need a dice roll, as his words alone were sufficient to persuade the Kobold Chieftain.

With the Castellan’s assistance, my player characters bought many expensive tools and a cartload of different seeds, as well as building underground homes for the rehabilitated Kobolds to create fruitful farms around the Keep.  By growing several types of crops, caring for farm animals for meat, as well as fishing the river for fish these Kobolds made both themselves and the Keep inhabitants more food secure.

Note:  I give the same amount of experience points when my player characters win over their enemies with persuasion, as I do when they defeat their enemies with combat.

Note:  I like kobolds that are cousins to Chromatic dragons.  This allows first level player characters to encounter a type of dragon species.  Also, I like that kobolds are no longer smaller versions of gnolls.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What is posted on King Manor, fourth floor bulletin board for March 12, 2025?

I see old posters have disappeared, while new posters for new events have appeared.

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 1

My suggestions for expanding the number of player character choices for Heroes of the Borderlands.

1.  Have the Castellan of the Keep hire a mercenary recruitment officer (retired army officer) who then hires the player characters (in far off cities and towns) as mercenaries to capture or kill threats around the Keep.  The Keep’s mercenary recruitment officer brings the player characters to the Keep by one or more horse-drawn stagecoaches.  It helps the player characters to gain the trust of the Castellan if the PCs are already members of a Lawful temple, a well-known noble family, or a community service organization such as the Harpers of the Forgotten Realms.

Bucket of ice

While walking to the Marcus movie theater to see Mickey 17; I found a bucket of ice outside the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center.

Monday, March 10, 2025

I got a bottle of Risata Blueberry Semi Sweet Wine

I wonder how a loaf of bread made with Blueberry Wine will taste like.

What I found posted near apartment 519

All you need is love and pie!

What I found posted on King Manor, fifth floor bulletin board for March 10, 2025.

For those who have asked me about the March 5, First Presbyterian Church of Duluth supper and bingo; that event was cancelled due to a snowstorm.

This is a detailed image of Barbara DeGroot Findley’s Celebration of Life, to be held on March 22, 2025.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Girl Scout Cookie Season

I saw this Girl Scout Cookie Season sign on the door to the sky bridge to the North Pointe Resource Center / Rainbow Center.

I bought 3 boxes of cookies for 6 dollars each.

The Voyageur Lakewalk Inn sign is still on the parking ramp.

1.  I see that this sign is the only physical thing from the Voyageur Lakewalk Inn that still remains on-site.  As the alley is an active construction site, I could not get closer to the sign.


2.  I see that the street stripes on the metal drain cover are out of alignment with the rest of these street stripes.

Monday, March 3, 2025

My eye glasses

The button is my Lake Superior Railroad Museum (LSRM) pass.  There was no practical place to place my button on my jacket or shirt; so I put my button on my eye glasses.

Three Kisses

I found this elevator door art that I have named “The Three Kisses” in the Wells Fargo Building.

This is my bread made with Hard Mountain Dew, Baja Blast Punch!

From my point of view, this is very tasty bread.

Friday, February 28, 2025

James 3.17

While walking to my Lake Superior Transportation Club meeting; I found this painted rock within the car parking lot under King Manor.

Pastoret Terrace building, view from First Street

I hope a new apartment building is built on this ground, starting construction in 2025.  I hope a new building with a similar building façade will be built here.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

What I found posted on King Manor, fifth floor bulletin board for February 26, 2025.

It will soon be March as well as an early spring, if these days of warm weather continues.  For the first time this year, I had to turn my big fan on to keep cool.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Don’t desert your dessert on the Duluth sky bridge

Why do people abandon their food on the Duluth sky bridge?

Pastoret Terrace building, viewed from the alley

That is a sad end to a once luxuriant apartment building.  Also, with an affordable housing shortage in the Twin Ports, another apartment building needs to be built on this ground.

This is my “Hard Baja Blast Pineapple” bread

My three friends and I agree that this might be the best tasting homemade bread we have gotten so far.

Friday, February 21, 2025