Friday, March 21, 2025

Heroes of the Borderlands, Part 10

10.  Create a table of special events for the Keep and another for the Caves of Chaos.  Special events include funerals, local secular and religious holidays, the arrival of resupply wagons, the arrival of traveling merchants, and weddings.  Two NPCs, an NPC and PC, or 2 PCs can get married.  Such an event would be a great role-playing event.  For example, the Castellan could marry a NPC or a PC creating a big role-playing event for the Keep.

For inspiration for holidays, review the “National Day Calendar” web site:

Note:  The Keep chapel is a “Union Station” of worship, where all Lawful gods are worshiped without favoritism.

Note:  A Giant Ant Queen decides to create an ant colony under the Keep; while another Giant Ant Queen decides to create her ant colony under the Caves of Chaos.  The more these ants eat NPCs, the more numerous the ants become.  The more numerous the ants become, the more they eat the NPCs.  Imagine the leaders of the Keep and the leaders of the Caves of Chaos cooperating to destroy the ant colonies that threaten the population of this river valley.

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