Friday, September 20, 2024

My salad made with my Community Action Duluth food

This is all three greens in my favorite kitchen bowl.

My healthy and yummy salad is made with Community Action Duluth food, covered in Essential Everyday ® Caesar Dressing, and topped with Doritos ® Minis Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips.

My Community Action Duluth food

Yesterday, I attended the Lincoln Park Farmers Market and bought these two packages of healthy food.  In my next post, I’ll show you how I make this food into healthy salads.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Duluth squirrel, Part 2

After buying my food at the Central Hillside farmer’s market, I found the furry skin remains of the unnamed Duluth squirrel.  I have never seen the remains of a dead animal, where the bones and internal organs have disappeared, while the skin and fur remain.

I attended the Central Hillside farmer’s market.

There are still a few weeks remaining for those who want buy farm fresh food to eat.

Monday, September 16, 2024

My Winehaven Winery Pumpkin Wine bread

I wish my readers could taste my Winehaven Winery Pumpkin Wine bread!

Light reflected off the Holiday Center

This building is located on the north side of West Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota.

I attended the PBS North Celebrates 60 Years at Chester Bowl Park, The End

While returning to my King Manor apartment, I saw this cute “Stop the fuss, ride the bus” sticker at the University of Minnesota, Duluth bus stop.

I attended the PBS North Celebrates 60 Years at Chester Bowl Park, Part 5

While I ate my sandwich, I listened to a live music performance from Grammy Award winners The Okee Dokee Brothers.

I attended the PBS North Celebrates 60 Years at Chester Bowl Park, Part 4

There were craft booths, featuring many artists and their crafts featured in the show Making It Up NorthAdam Swanson Art one sells paintings.

Chris Monroe creates books for children.

I attended the PBS North Celebrates 60 Years at Chester Bowl Park, Part 3

I attended this event as PBS North is a big part of my life through cultural, educational, and entertainment mind expansion.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Saturday, September 14, 2024

I attended the PBS North Celebrates 60 Years at Chester Bowl Park

This happy event happened on Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.


An upcoming event that I’d love to attend is the Chester Bowl Park Fall Fest.

Tracey our Service Coordinator

Tracey is a nice person that listens to me and has assisted me several times to solve my trifling problems.

A Duluth squirrel

Why did it die on top of a street storm drain cover?  How soon will this squirrel’s intact body become a meal for a cat, dog, or city fox?


I found this squirrel at the south side of the intersection of East Second Street and North Third Avenue East.  I seem I have luck in finding dead urban animals near my King Manor apartment building.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The other side of the red door

I took the image of Locomotive Number 14 from behind the access door to the Northern Pacific Wedge Snowplow NPWS Number 19.

Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth and Northern Minnesota Number 14

Years ago, while I was standing in the snowplow, looking out a round back window; I saw that this window framed the round front of Locomotive Number 14.

Monday, September 9, 2024

What is posted on King Manor, fourth floor bulletin board for September 9, 2024?

I find it interesting how these posters come and go; with most residents paying these posters little to no attention.

When Duluth Transit Authority buses become confessionals

While riding Duluth Transit Authority buses, I’ve heard men talking to their friends:

A 30-something man talking about having unprotected vaginal sex with a high school girl.

I heard another man who said that he was so drunk and stoned, that the police found him naked while running up and down on a busy city avenue.

A third man whose friends gave him a date rape drug in his drink in a restaurant, only to wake up in an alley naked with only his wallet and his home keys; and then had to walk three miles to his apartment.

Another man who stole several sheets of pharmacy prescription forms from his doctor’s office, illegally wrote out prescriptions, and then how he spent days being high on drugs.

The last man said he was moving out of the city, to get away from passive-aggressive behavior from those citizens around him.

This is my Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin Ale bread!

If you love pumpkin bread, you will love bread made with Pumpkin Ale!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

This week, on Thursday, I attended the Lincoln Park Farmers Market

I found these signs on West Third Street.

I found this list of Community Action supporting sponsors.

This is an example of my fine-artsy art.

These are three slices of my apple & peach bread, topped with Move Over Butter ® and Blackburn's Peach Preserves.

My shadow on the King Manor wall

I found this wall on the King Manor front door entrance pedestrian bridge.

Friday, September 6, 2024

I bought New Belgium ® Brewing, Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin Ale

I wonder how bread made with Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin Ale will taste.


One online review wrote that this beverage tastes like a pumpkin malt, with floral & herb spicy hops, and an aftertaste of habanero flavoring.

I got my Ciderboys ™ Apple Peach Hard Cider bread

My Apple Peach Hard Cider bread, made with peach slices, tastes first-class!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Do you like role playing or roll playing?

Years ago, I ran Keep on the Borderlands for my University of Minnesota group.  My players started talking with the kobolds about their lives in the caves.  My PCs convinced the kobolds to take what little treasure and equipment they had, and move away from these low resources, high danger caves; and then became sharecroppers for the Keep.  Their fields encircled the keep that I named Gary Gygax Keep, a famous knight of Law that, along with his soldiers of mixed species and genders, had expanded the lands of law to include the land where the keep was built upon.

The kobolds, with assistance from Keep subjects, built modest and underground homes, an underground root cellar to keep their food and beer cold, an above ground barn for their farm animals, and a waterwheel powered grain mill by the river.  They also built a harbor with a wharf and warehouse, for shipping goods and people by boat.

My players’ future plan was to recruit other species from the caves to increase the farmlands while diminishing the threat of the Caves to the Keep.  To quote my players, “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends with them?”  But, university graduation and summer jobs stopped our adventure that never restarted.

The reason why my Kobolds changed alignment from Chaos to Law happened when my player character bard persuaded the Kobolds that it was not worth following the creed of Chaos. My party’s bard spoke to the Kobolds, “Why do you follow the creed of Evil, when all the members of your tribe ever get is being treated as underpaid or unpaid slaves at best, and as emergency food or blood sacrifices on an Evil altar at worst?”

I see that having my Kobolds hardwired to always be of Chaos means that my Kobolds will always react in the same way. This will lead to dull role-playing while turning encounters with these creatures into farming for experience points, instead of role playing. Thus, I give out the same amount of experience points if my party persuades their enemies to become friendly with the party and the inhabitants of Gygax Keep as if they had defeated them in combat.  That is an example of role playing characters, instead of roll playing dice.  As for experience point farming, my campaign has goblins, ogres, and the undead to name a few.

Note:  When the player characters destroy the Chaos shrine, by breaking that sacrificial altar, both the law and chaos immortals would take notice of the player characters.  How will that attention from immortals impact the lives of the player characters?

I bought a six pack of Ciderboys ™ Apple Peach cider

Yesterday, my baker friend told me that she is looking forward to baking apple peach bread.  I will give her the cider today, and then she will give me the bread on Friday.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

I saw once again, Deadpool & Wolverine

You should see this movie on a big screen!

My D&D Second Edition Player’s Handbook

As you can see, my friends and I have used this to have great fun over many years.

My new D&D Player's Handbook 2024

This is my first new Player's Handbook, since I bought my Second Edition Player's Handbook many years ago.

I bought my Player’s Handbook at Rogue Robot Games & Comics.  That store is located at Third South Fourth Avenue West, Duluth, MN 55802.