Monday, September 9, 2024

When Duluth Transit Authority buses become confessionals

While riding Duluth Transit Authority buses, I’ve heard men talking to their friends:

A 30-something man talking about having unprotected vaginal sex with a high school girl.

I heard another man who said that he was so drunk and stoned, that the police found him naked while running up and down on a busy city avenue.

A third man whose friends gave him a date rape drug in his drink in a restaurant, only to wake up in an alley naked with only his wallet and his home keys; and then had to walk three miles to his apartment.

Another man who stole several sheets of pharmacy prescription forms from his doctor’s office, illegally wrote out prescriptions, and then how he spent days being high on drugs.

The last man said he was moving out of the city, to get away from passive-aggressive behavior from those citizens around him.

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