Thursday, November 12, 2020

I found this Regulating Transhumanism poster on the third floor, A. B. Anderson Hall (ABAH) at UMD Duluth, part 2.

“Man is not born free, but everywhere in biological chains.  People of the world, unite - you have nothing to lose but your biological chains.”

- Simon Young


As city, state, and national governments already have sensible regulations on education, medical services, motor vehicles and many other aspects of our lives; so will sensible regulations on Transhumanism technology keep the most dangerous aspects in check, while giving everyone opportunities to use as much or as little of Transhumanism technology as they wish.  In other words, there are already many things in human society that are potentially dangerous to humans and our world’s biosphere.  However, sensible regulations keep these dangers to a manageable level.  Thus, sensible regulations will keep the dangers of Transhumanism technology to a manageable level, while helping all of humanity climb Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to achieve self-actualization and transcendence.


My thoughts are about how Transhumanism technology could make both human individuals as well as human society as a whole better.  My thoughts expressed here are not about if any specific Transhumanism technology is possible to create or not possible to create.  Additionally, my ideas about improved humans and an improved human society will be different from that of most of my readers.  Any individual Transhumanism technology will delight and excite some people, while the same technology will inspire alarm and hatred in other people.


“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.”

- Frank Zappa


For guidance, allow me to take you back on a journey of the imagination, two hundred thousand years ago, to the time when our ancestors Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals changed over to anatomically modern humans (AMH).  During that time, three different species of humans lived with each other.  Also, this is not the only time when there were two or more species of our ancestors that lived at the same time and in the same places.  Thus, there were many transition times when our ancestors evolved from one species to a better species.  Evolution is both natural and shouldn't be feared.  I welcome the fact that today and in the future both individuals and society will assume control and responsibility of the speed and direction of human evolution.


Humanity is already riding the inevitable winds of change.  The only question is how and when we will take charge of our evolution to get to outcomes that improve all of humanity for the better.


“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

- Benjamin Franklin


If headstrong and foolish, technophobic people oppose any use of Transhumanism technology, would they have preferred if humanity had remained as our Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal ancestors?  After all, modern humans (Homo sapiens) are not the pinnacle of our evolution any more than our Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal ancestors were.  Going back further in time, our Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal ancestors themselves evolved from many lesser species such as Homo erectus and Australopithecus.  It is clear that Transhumanism technology will not be the first great change in our species and it will not be the last great change in our species.


It is not a question if humanity will change over time.  Humanity is already changing due to better human nutrition, faster means of travel, and therapeutic medicine.  Thus, we have bigger bodies and bigger brains as we did a few generations ago.  But, the question is how and when humanity will change.

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